Why Choose Aero Aluminum Louvered Roof Panel Installations?

  • Aero Aluminum Louvered Roofs are durable, low-maintenance structures that provide shade and elegance to outdoor spaces.
  • They feature a powder-coated finish, customizable designs, and easy assembly, making them a popular choice for enhancing your backyard, patio, or garden area.
  • When selecting an aluminum louvered roof, consider Aero Aluminum for its durability, strength, and low maintenance.
  • With a heavy-duty powder-coated finish, it resists rust and fading, withstands 120 MPH winds, and requires virtually no upkeep.

Transform your outdoor living space with Aero Aluminum Louvered Roofs, offering customizable designs and motorized options for ultimate convenience. Choose from five colors – Adobe Tan, Espresso, Black, Apollo Gray & Quartz White. Built with robust aircraft aluminum and a durable powder-coated finish, these louvered roofs resist rust and corrosion. Enjoy effortless control over sunlight and shade with the touch of a button, and don’t forget to incorporate LED lighting systems for a stylish outdoor experience, day or night.

The Aero aluminum louvered roof is an amazing addition to any outdoor living space. Our customers have reported an exceptional experience with their aluminum louvered roofs. Not only do they provide shade, comfort, and protection from the elements, but they also add value to their homes. With their strength, durability, and low maintenance requirements, they offer a perfect way to enjoy the outdoors without worrying about the weather.

The installation process is easy, performed by our team with more than 20 years of experience. Our louvered roofs are easy to maintain, requiring only occasional cleaning with mild soap and water to keep them looking fresh and new. They are designed to last for decades, ensuring long-term satisfaction and enjoyment.


Color Options



  • Extruded 6061-T6 aircraft alloy aluminum
  • NOT roll-formed
  • No steel insert
  • Our beams can span up to 33ft without any support between posts using our extruded beam connectors for added strength
  • Coated with the most durable Italian-made AAMA 2604 powder-coating



All Aero Aluminum Patio installations comes with a 20-year warranty


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